Healthy Lifestyle

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Benefits Of Beetroot

January 29, 2020 1
 Benefits Of  Beetroot

Health benefits of beets

What are the benefits and nutrition of beets?

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Health benefits of beetroot

1. Contains a lot of antioxidants in it.2. Natural detox for the body (kidney and liver)
3. May prevent hypertension
4. Increased stamina, ideal for athletes
5. Prevents Anemia
6. Reducing digestive problems
7. The right for those who want to lose weight
8. Overcoming the problem of dandruff
9. Natural food coloring
10. Natural hair dye-beet leaves are also useful.

How do you cook or process beets?

But also consider the following points before eating beets-share this:

Beetroot is a plant that comes from the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae family. That is, beets are still a family with turnips and other root vegetables. As a rule, this fruit is used only by those roots that have a sweet taste for health medicine. But over time, meat and leaves are also consumed.

Beetroot was first used by people in Africa thousands of years ago. Its root crop is very popular, and then spreads to Asia and Europe. Then these people grow and consume them in their area.

From the 16th to the 19th century, beets were used to produce several benefits. For example, fruit juice is used as a food coloring. At the same time, the sugar content in fruits is used as a sweetening mixture in foods and drinks. Moreover, around the 19th century, this fruit began to be used as a mixture of ingredients for the extraction and refining of sugar made from sugarcane.

What are the benefits and nutrition of beets?

Beets or red beets are a variety of reddish-purple tubers. The shape resembles potatoes, and the benefits of beets are also found in the roots and stems. Beets are usually consumed by making juice or processing into dishes with a soft texture.

Although leaves can be prepared for cooking vegetables, beets are better known for their tubers, which contain many healthy substances for the body. Beets are high in carbohydrates, but very low in fat, calories, and protein.

So this is very good for those on a diet program. The content of betacyanin (a purple pigment) and betasanthin (a yellow pigment) found in beets makes the color from dark red to purple. Because of this concentrated color, beets also are often used as a natural coloring.

This fruit can often be found in America and England, but if you want to buy it, you can buy it at the supermarket. Come see the innumerable benefits of beets to the body in the explanation below.

Beet Nutrients

In beets you can find the following nutrients:

Folic acid Kaliumen fiber vitamin C magnesium iron phosphorus tryptophan Coumarin Betasianin

Health benefits of beet


1. Contains a lot of antioxidants in it.

Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize the entry of harmful free radicals into the body. Antioxidants can also prevent oxidative stress and damage good cells in your body.

In addition, several studies have shown that antioxidants can protect the body against many types of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

The benefits of beets, of course, are also found in the high content of phytonutrients for the fight against diseases, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In fact, beets are considered one of the sources of fruits containing phytonutrients, i.e. betalain. Betalain is good for lightening skin tone. It can also help protect against certain types of cancer and other diseases in your body.

2. Natural detox for the body (kidney and liver)

The body can actually release toxins (detox), this happens naturally to prevent poisoning. Firstly, there is a kidney detoxification organ that functions to filter blood and produce urine.Then there are lungs that function to remove carbon dioxide from the inhaled oxygen. There is skin that pushes toxins and other harmful particles through the pores. In addition, there is also the liver, which plays an important role in detoxification, namely, removing toxins and other harmful substances from the blood.

To induce the body to flush out toxins, beets can help some of these organs, especially the kidneys and liver, maintain optimal performance. This was discovered as a result of research in Poland.

This study tested a beetroot mouse; the rat was indeed damaged in the cells in its body. After regular use of beets, studies published in the journal Phytotherapy Research showed that mice became healthier.

These results were found in mice, which showed that enzyme levels were good, and the detoxification organs in the body worked optimally to remove toxins in the body due to beet consumption. Do not forget to also eat beetroot juice, carrots and cucumbers, this is one of the best ways to cleanse the kidneys and liver of toxins that accumulate in both organs.

3. May prevent hypertension

It has been proven that drinking beet juice reduces high blood pressure. The nitrate content, which is also found in green leafy vegetables, lowers blood pressure.

The results of studies conducted by Barts and the London School of Medicine, as well as the Peninsula School of Medicine, offer this inexpensive way to reduce hypertension. According to prof. Amrita Ahluwalia of Barts & London School of Medicine, drinking beetroot juice and other nitrate-rich vegetables will keep your heart healthy.

4. Increased stamina, ideal for athletes

Studies at the University of Exter in the United Kingdom show that drinking beetroot juice can help athletes, usually athletes, be 16 percent stronger and more resilient, since nitrate levels can reduce oxygen burning in sports and reduce fatigue.

Beetroot has been proven to have the benefits of an athlete's diet. This is due to the fact that the nitrate content helps cells to better generate energy in the body, thereby increasing productivity.

In addition, a pilot study conducted in 2011 showed that regular consumption of beet juice can increase a person’s energy and stamina by 2, 8 percent more energy.

Other studies also show that nitrate supplements can reduce fatigue during exercise and can increase physical activity suitable for athletes.

5. Prevents Anemia

This reddish fruit is often associated with the color of the blood, which is why it is used to overcome the problem of anemia. In fact, what overcomes anemia is a high iron content that reactivates and regenerates red blood cells and supplies oxygen, which is good for the health of red blood cells.

6. Reducing digestive problems

Beets are a fiber-rich fruit that provides 3, 8 grams per serving of beets. Fiber content helps food move through the intestines. Fiber can also help soften stools to make your bowel or bowel movements comfortable, healthy, and regular.

Research has shown that fiber intake in fruits can make bowel movements in people with constipation or difficulty making it so smooth. However, not only that, other studies have also shown that consuming fiber from beetroot foods is also good for digestive health and can protect conditions like intestinal infections, hemorrhoids and GERD or stomach acid.

If you experience digestive problems, nausea, pain, or diarrhea, you can drink beetroot juice mixed with carrots with one tablespoon of lemon or lime juice. Drinking beetroot juice mixed with one tablespoon of honey in the morning before breakfast will help reduce bloating.

7. The right for those who want to lose weight

In addition to being rich in nutrients, beets contain a lot of fiber but few calories. This is a good source of food if you are on a diet or want to lose weight. In fact, each cup of beet contains up to 59 calories and 3, 8 grams of fiber, or the equivalent of 15 percent of the fiber you need during the day.

When you eat fiber, it moves slowly within the alimentary canal .
It is this fiber that helps you cope with hunger and can remain full. According to one study in Boston, consuming 14 grams of fiber per day can lower your daily calorie intake by 10 percent, you know. Often, the results of your weight can gradually decrease to 4 pounds over 4 months if you regularly eat beets and eat healthy foods.

8. Overcoming the problem of dandruff

To solve the problem of dandruff on your beautiful hair, try boiling a little beetroot and then rub it on the delicate scalp. Leave it overnight wrapped in a towel. Rinse and rinse with shampoo the next day.

9. Natural food coloring

The betanine content, which gives a bright red color, can be used for natural food colors such as ice cream, wet cakes or cookies, as well as jelly.

10. Natural hair dye

If you are going to dye your hair with henna powder, try choosing a black color, and then mix it with red beet root juice. As a result, your hair will be black with burgundy and natural shades. Healthier and yet naturally beautiful.

Beet leaves are also useful.

Beetroot Leaves

In addition to the root and pulp of the fruit, obviously, beet leaves are also useful and can be consumed, you know. The reddish-purple leaves of the fruit contain important nutrients such as protein, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and copper. In addition, the leaves also contain large amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron.
Beet leaves actually contain more iron than iron in spinach (other green leaf in the same botanical family). Then the nutritional value is also higher than the food in the root or meat of the fetus itself. Here are some of the benefits of leaves:

Help prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone strength Fighting Alzheimer's Strengthen your immune system by stimulating the production of antibodies and white blood cells.

How do you cook or process beets?

There are some ways to cook or process beets.
 It can be eaten raw, stir, cook according to the recipe or even bake.

If you eat raw meta beets, it has a rather sharp, but slightly sweet texture. Usually, people add beets to salads or as an ingredient in their smoothie. Eating raw beets, you can get the overall nutrition of beets in a natural way.

In addition to being eaten raw, you can also mix beets with other ingredients in your cooking mix. When you cook beets, the texture of the meat will be softer and slightly sweeter. This fruit is often used with cheese or balsamic vinegar.

Roasting beets can also provide a stronger sweet feel. Since the sugar content of fried beets can be the original caramel liquid directly from sugar beets.

In addition to fried beets, you can boil or steam. It is important to note that cooking, baking, or boiling beets for too long can lead to the disappearance of some of the nutrient content. The good thing is, do not cook it until it is too ripe, add beets when the cooking is almost ready to be cooked.

This is useful to stop oxidation and maximize the nutritional value of your beets.
Also, choose fresh beets or pickled beets to get maximum nutritional value.

But also consider the following points before eating beets

Although beets have many benefits, there are some things to keep in mind when eating beets. Although rare, some people may be allergic to beets. If you experience food allergy symptoms such as itching, itching, or swelling, stop using beets immediately and talk with your doctor.

Also, remember that beets are one of the vegetables that contain a fairly high level of sugar. Eating one cup of beets can have a negative effect on raising blood sugar. Thus, often because of the high sugar content, beets are commonly used in the production of refined sugar, called "beet sugar" or "steam beet juice."

This type of sugar undergoes a reasonably high chemical change and may even damage or eliminate the nutritional value of beets themselves.
 Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the bits that are processed and consumed. Beet sugar made from beetroot extract is just as dangerous as other types of refined sugar, such as white cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Diet for exercise and weight loss

January 25, 2020 0
Diet for exercise and weight loss

Diet for exercise and weight loss

A beautiful, healthy and harmonious body is a difficult task if you do not train and do not eat properly. It is interesting to note that nutrition plays an even more important role than training - which any coach will confirm.

What is a Fitness Diet ? 

The so-called nutritional diet for active sports people, writes expert. It is fair to emphasize that this is not a diet, but a diet regimen designed to maintain proper activity in the gym, to feel good and to achieve post-workout results. What, when and how much you eat directly depends on the results of your visit to the gym.

There are different diets available for fat reduction or lean muscle building. In most cases, girls still want to lose weight, so it is worth discussing in detail the nutrition of exercise to get rid of unwanted kilograms.

The basic advice is not to go on "starvation diets". A diet of less than 1,500 kcal, free from vegetables, fruits, cereals, and whole proteins, is harmful to a woman. Professional athletes are often committed to a wide variety of extreme diets, but they do not try to hide the fact that their health is severely affected by such nutrition.

A proper fitness diet provides the body with energy and promotes fat burning. If you do everything right, you will lose weight and your hair, skin and nails will not suffer. You should not feel drowsy, tired, have your menstrual cycle, etc., while following this diet.

fitness-exercises,fitness exercises in gym,fitness diet plan
Fitness Diet

Choosing the right products The correct diet should consist of: compound carbohydrates (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, barley, pearl barley, a mixture of oatmeal and bran, non-starchy vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grain bread); protein (non-fat meat, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products); the fat content is limited and is not recommended in pure form (only a small amount of oil is available for salad dressing); You will get healthy fats from protein-rich fat products.

It is important to note the fluids you consume. Give up any "liquid" calories: fruit juice, sweetened tea, carbonated drinks, etc. Drink water, unsweetened herbal teas, and so on. It is important to consume sufficient amount of fluid - about 30 ml per kilogram of body passport. If you exercise intensely or suffer from extreme heat, you may want to increase your fluid intake. Minimize the use of sweets, baked goods, fried meals, ultra-salty, fast food. 

How do I eat this diet?

The diet should be properly segmented. If you eat frequently, your work capacity will not suffer and you will avoid the risk of overeating. It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, portions should be small, so a generous lunch of the first, second, third dish and compote is canceled. Protein and carbohydrates your body should get every time you eat - this is a guarantee of success. Choose from the following combinations: meat with vegetables and whole grain bread; fish with brown rice; cottage cheese with fruit, etc

meat-with-vegetables,meat with vegetables benefits

The food should be delicious and varied, otherwise you risk losing the whole thing shortly. Use a variety of cooking methods to preserve the taste and aroma of the food. Food before and after exercise is extremely important. Pre-workout meals should provide the energy needed to burn fat, and post-workout snacks should help you regain strength without losing weight. After a workout, the so-called anabolic window opens.

The duration of this phenomenon is about 40 minutes. Anything you eat at that time will be for recovery or weight gain, depending on the type and amount of food. For this reason, it is imperative that you follow the advice of professionals with the utmost care. To avoid a sudden feeling of hunger, eat a little carbohydrate (a couple tablespoons of honey or jam or half a banana) and feed your muscles with easy-to-absorb kefir or yogurt protein. Everything.

Daily menu Breakfast

 A slice of bread (30 g), 1 whole boiled egg and 1 egg white, sugar-free tea with lemon. Snack: apple or pear and 30 g of non-fat cheese. Lunch: meat or poultry (about 150 g), vegetable salad, garnish with buckwheat or rice. Pre-workout: 1 banana, 0.5 cups of yogurt. After a workout: a glass of lean kefir and 1 teaspoon of honey. Dinner: steamed fish and stewed vegetables. Night Nights: 1 glass of kefir.

Bread With Egg

If you experience a lack of energy, increase the amount of complex carbohydrates and protein slightly. For example, add another 100 grams of curd, a couple of tablespoons of porridge, and fruit to your diet. By following this diet and exercising regularly, you will lose 500 grams of body weight per week due to losing fat.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Best diet lose 5 kilos in 3-days

January 24, 2020 0
 Best diet lose 5 kilos in 3-days

Best diet Lose 5 kgs in 3 days super diet

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Diet Food

If you want to get real results, you must follow this diet strictly.

Don't eat:  Sugar, a traditional source of carbohydrates (bread, biscuits, ice cream, carbonated drinks, porridge, rice, baked goods, chocolate, sausages, etc.) or try to get carbohydrates from vegetables.

Take:  Large amounts of sugar (try not to drink coffee), many fruits, eat 4-5 times a day small amounts of protein and fats (meat, eggs, fish).

For best results, we recommend 15 minutes a day of exercise.

Depending on your weight, take as much water during the day as indicated below:

60 kg - 3 liters
65 kg - 4 liters
70 kg - 5 liters

Buckwheat diet 1-2 weeks

buckwheat-benefits,buckwheat honey
Buckwheat Grain

Do not eat for  5 hours before going to bed.

If you are very hungry, you can eat a glass of kefir grain before bedtime .

Get  plenty of water, and you can also drink sugary green tea.

You probably won't notice the weight loss right now, though you may lose 10 pounds over time.

If you notice that your body can't handle this kind of diet and you feel headaches or fatigue, then you can prepare this diet and add it to your diet:

To increase glucose levels in your body, add 1 teaspoon of honey to 200 grams of water. It should be noted that this will not prevent you from losing weight. It is also necessary to drink a day and a half of water. Here is an example of a daily meal schedule:

1. Serve in the morning with honey and water and 1 lemon.

2. Half an hour after serving 1 buckwheat and sugar free buckwheat.

3. To midday: 1 serving buckwheat and sugar free tea / water.

4. 5 hours before bedtime: 1 serving buckwheat and sugar-free tea, water.

Must Read...Lose 10kg in a Week

diet  4 weeks - 10/15 kg

If you often have to sit at work or at home then this diet is for you.

It is not advisable to drink more than 3-4 cups a day.

It is strictly forbidden to take sugar or its substitutes.

It is advisable to rinse the stomach before starting the diet.
Honey that should be taken in the diet should be natural and does not contain sugar.

You cannot break the diet and change the product

These days are repeated for three weeks

Day 1 - Hungry

Breakfast and Lunch - 1 lb. Milk, in small cups, all day.

Dinner - 1 cup tomato juice and 100 g. black bread.

Day 2 - Protein

Breakfast - 100g. Black bread, 20 gr. Butter, 1 tbsp honey, coffee with milk  no sugar.

Lunch - 100g. Ham or chicken  white meat  or sausage. Meat  lean +
Broth without herbs and vegetables +100g 
cheese melted and white not +100g. black bread.

Dinner - 2 boiled eggs

Day 3 - Vegetable

Breakfast - 2 Apples or 2 Oranges or 2 Peaches.

Lunch - Vegetable Soup (cooked shredded or chopped
vegetables with +1
t / s oil) + 2 boiled potatoes and 200 g boiled garlic

Dinner - 3 tomato and 2 cucumber salad (low fat) ) + 1 ch. Tea + 1 teaspoon honey

Day 4 - Special

Breakfast - Coffee with milk (no sugar) + 100g Dutch cheese.

Lunch - 100g. Ham or fish or chicken or sausage. Meat Boiled +
100g Black Bread + 2 Boiled Eggs.

Dinner - 1 cup kefir

Day 5 - Protein

Breakfast - 100g. Black bread, 20 gr. Butter, 1 tbsp honey, coffee with milk no sugar.
Lunch - 100g. Ham or chicken white meat or sausage. Meat  lean +
Broth without herbs and vegetables +100g
cheese (melted and white not) +100g. black bread.

Dinner - 2 boiled eggs

Day 6 - Vegetable

Breakfast - 2 Apples or 2 Oranges or 2 Peaches.

Lunch - Vegetable soup (cooked shredded or chopped
vegetables + 1
tbsp ) + 2 boiled potatoes and 200 g boiled garlic.

Dinner - 3 tomato and 2 cucumber salad (low fat) ) + 1 ch. Tea + 1 teaspoon honey

Day 7 - Special

coffee-with-milk-benefits,benefits of coffee
Coffee With Coffee

Breakfast - Coffee with milk (no sugar) + 100g  cheese

Lunch - 100g. Ham or fish or chicken or sausage. Meat Boiled +
100g Black Bread + 2 Boiled Eggs

Dinner - 1 cup kefir

4th Week
Monday - 1.5kg Apples
Tuesday - 1.5kg Boiled Chicken
Wednesday - 1.5kg Cucumber / Tomato
Thursday - 1kg Boiled Chicken
Fridays - 0.5kg  Cheese and 1 Bottle Mineral Water
Saturday - 1l. Kefir, 2 boiled eggs, boiled fish.
Sunday - 1 kg of  cheese.

Daily diet plan 

Day 1 - 1.5 liters of kefir should be drunk for 6 drinks throughout the day. Sugar free tea in any quantity.

Day 2 - 5 pieces of apples all day + 1 liter of water

Day 3 - 1.5 liters of kefir for six drinks and 1.5 liters of water.

Also read this article..... here 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Beauty tips for women

January 22, 2020 0
Beauty tips for women

Top 10 home beauty tips

Beauty is inherently necessary for women, but not all women have the opportunity to go to the spa for beauty. With 10 beauty tips below, you will not worry about bad skin problems because you do not have money to go to spas, you can take care of your skin right at home.

Top 10 home beauty tips 

1. Beautify your skin with aloe vera

skin-care-with-aloe-vera,aloe vera for skin,
Skin Care With Aloe Vera

Probably aloe vera is no stranger to women, right. 
But probably not all women know the beauty of aloe vera. Aloe vera contains nutrients that help to fight inflammation, relieve pain and nourish skin cells to help skin soft, reduce acne.
Ingredients : Prepare a branch of aloe vera about 100g with 10g of pure honey.
Method : Aloe vera peeled, sliced, put into a pot and boil with water. Take aloe vera juice with honey. Wait for the mixture to cool and then apply to the skin and massage gently.
With the way of beauty with aloe vera, you can apply 2-3 times a week to achieve the best effect.

Note: Not all skin suits aloe vera, so before applying the whole face, you should first test on small areas to ensure skin is not irritated.
| Also read this article: Beauty Tips

2. Skin beauty with rice bran 

In rice flour contains nutrients that help brighten the skin, moisturize the skin, remove acne spots very effectively.
In addition to beautifying the skin with rice bran also helps reduce wrinkles, dark spots, melasma, not to mention rice bran also has the effect of exfoliating extremely effectively.
In the ways of skin whitening with natural materials, rice flour is pretty much choice. In addition, regular use of rice flour mask also helps prevent aging and treat acne.
Skin beauty with rice bran is very popular, many women choose to use, so you can completely apply it to help skin bright, smooth, evenly pigmented.
Maintaining one of these beauty formulas for 2-3 weeks will help you get a smooth, white complexion regardless.

3. Beautify your skin with lemon juice + honey

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Lemon And Honey

Mix 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice + 1 tablespoon pure honey in a small bowl. Use the mixture to apply regularly 3 times / week. Relax for about 30 minutes then rinse with clean water as usual.
4. Beauty skin with coconut oil
With the ingredients inside are completely extracted from nature, so just diligently apply 3- 5 drops of coconut oil a day, will help you relax after a hard working day on the other hand support beautiful skin very good.

5. Beauty skin with turmeric powder and honey

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric powder mixed with 1 tablespoon honey and added a little rice flour or cornstarch. Add a little clean water to form a thick paste.
Apply the mixture evenly to the skin.
Massage gently and rinse with warm water after 30 minutes.

Perform 3 times / week you will be surprised by the effect of its whitening body.

6. Skin whitening with aloe vera and honey

Mix 1 cup aloe vera plastic + 2 cups sea salt + 1 cup baby oil + 2 tablespoons of honey, apply on face for about 20 minutes and then wash your face clean, with this simple skin whitening you It will not be too expensive to get the desired smooth skin.

7. Sauna facial skin for beautiful skin

Taking a sauna twice a week for about 10 minutes will help clean the deep inside of the pores on your face to help your face clear and easily absorb essential nutrients;
Boil 300ml of water with a little essential oil from orange peel, lemon peel or a little salt and cover a towel to cover the head and let the steam rise to your face gradually, you will feel very comfortable there.
However, one thing to avoid completely after the sauna is that you should not squeeze acne spots that are clearly visible on the face.
Top 10 home beauty tips 

8. Beauty skin with aloe vera and lemon

Cut 2 sides of aloe vera leaf, then take out aloe vera gel. Then put the aloe vera gel and lemon juice into the blender and puree the mixture so that a smooth mixture is obtained. Apply this mixture in 2 weeks, you will be surprised about your bright white skin.

9. Beauty tips with fresh milk without sugar

fresh-milk,fresh-milk-benefits,fresh milk benefits for health
Fresh Milk

Fresh milk is full of fat, protein, vitamins and minerals that work well for the skin, not only nourishing and soothing the skin, but also brightening, smoothing and cooling the skin.
Use 1 cup of unsweetened milk mixed with 3 tablespoons of honey. Honey helps to fight inflammation and moisturize the skin very well. After wetting the body, apply the mixture on the skin to gently massage the whole body including the face for 20 minutes so that the nutrients can be absorbed into the skin. Finally rinse with clean water and perform regularly 2-3 times / week, your skin will become smooth white smooth.

10. Beauty skin with rice flour mask and pure honey

Pure honey keeps skin youthful, radiant and smooth. In addition, the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey can also help treat acne. This whitening treatment will give you a bright skin, fade brown spots, support nourishing smooth skin and also help treat acne effectively:
Preparing skin whitening material:
2 teaspoons of rice flour, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of clean water
How to whiten skin with rice flour with honey as follows:
Step 1: Mix all the above ingredients together into a smooth mixture.
Step 2: Use a brush or clean fingers to gently apply the mixture on the face.
Step 3: Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water.
Step 4: Rinse again with cool water to tighten pores.
With 10 beauty tips on women "spoiled" beauty at home with no cost to the beauty spa. Apply regularly one of the tips on women will see markedly improved skin, smooth skin, more plump.