Fitness Slimming
What is fitness and how to do it for weight loss?
Fitness slimming |
What is fitness?
Complexes of fitness exercises are different, they can be combined with a special diet, which has some limitations, but all are aimed at improving the body and spirit, improving the health and general well-being of women.
The goals of fitness training can be different:
burning fat mass;
muscle building and strengthening;
strengthening ligaments and joints.
Types of exercises:
stretching (improving the elasticity of ligaments, warming up muscle tissue);
strength exercises (growth, muscle strengthening).
Fitness trainings strengthen bones and muscles, remove excess weight from problem areas, help build muscle mass, give the body a completely new, toned look with smooth, feminine bends.
Fitness is the correct, “smooth” weight loss in compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, regular physical activity and compliance with the regime of work and rest. Following this new way of life, a person loses dependence on food and begins to enjoy the loads and a new, beautiful body.
How it works?
removes excess water from the muscles;
removes part of the muscle tissue;
slows down metabolic processes, spending a minimum of calories.
After the diet menu is over, the water naturally returns (which is from 2 to 5 liters), and the resulting plumb line is a loss of muscle tissue. At the same time, body quality suffers: sagging, loss of turgor, elasticity, overhanging skin folds ...
What happens during regular fitness classes? Physical exercises normalize metabolism, “dispersing” it and allowing cells to easily dissolve and remove lipids. The muscles at the same time not only do not suffer, but also strengthen!
In order to lose weight correctly, doing fitness in a sports club or at home, you only need to redistribute your daily calorie intake taking into account activity. The more you move, the more you lose weight - this is one of the basic rules of fitness.
How to get fit quickly?
Principle One: Eat Frequently
Unfortunately, this is not always possible due to work and a busy schedule. Advice! If you know that you will not return home to the next meal, take a container with a useful snack (oat pancakes, a piece of cottage cheese casserole, etc.).
Principle Two: Evening Restrictions
A great end to a fruitful day will be dairy products with low fat content (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir), low-calorie vegetables and fruits, a small portion of chicken breast or turkey.
Principle Three: Get the Exercise Right
Exercise |
In the first and second approaches to the new complex, perform all exercises 1-2 times with low weight, gradually increase the pace. Wait a couple of days, double the load and keep it for 2 days. After a similar interval of time, try to complete the entire complex, but do not strain. This will reduce muscle pain - the scourge of all beginners in sports.
Did you know that regular exercise in sports has a positive effect on overall well-being, promotes the release of hormones of joy into the blood? Endorphin begins to enter the bloodstream 30-40 minutes after the start of classes, making a person happier.
Fourth principle: exercise regularly
Fifth principle: approach training comprehensively
Principle Six: Combine Exercise with Proper Nutrition
Refuse from "unnatural" sweets. Leave in the menu fruits, marshmallows, marmalade, honey and nuts in reasonable quantities. It is better to use them in the morning (for breakfast or afternoon snack).
Refuse fast food (chips, crackers, etc.), semi-finished products (ready-made cutlets, nuggets, pancakes), canned food and chemical additives (use natural seasonings instead of “Maggi” for meat).
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
Limit your consumption of white bread and muffin. Ideally, you can bake bakery products yourself, add bran to cleanse the intestines.
The basis of the diet should be protein - low-fat parts of pork, beef, chicken and turkey, rabbit, dairy products.
The seventh principle: bad habits - a fight!
How to use your fitness to correct a figure?
For proper weight loss, you need a healthy diet, as well as an integrated approach to training. During one lesson, the following types of exercises should be performed:
power - to strengthen the muscles, their growth, giving the figure a beautiful silhouette;
cardio (jumping rope, jogging, brisk walking, squats, bending, cycling, skiing) - to burn extra kilocalories and body fat.
Experienced trainers recommend conducting 3 workouts per week, consisting of 15-20 minutes of cardio exercises and 30 minutes of strength, working out only one muscle group (either abs and back, or buttocks and legs, or back, arms and shoulders). In the next lesson, the muscles being worked out change.
Possible weight loss problems with regular fitness training
The reasons why the weight during systematic sports can "stand" and even increase slightly, are as follows:
1. Overeating.
Overeating |
2. Improperly selected exercise program.
3. Incorrect assessment of the result.
This is due to the growth of muscle tissue and its replacement of fatty tissue (fat is lighter than muscle).
4. Short or irregular workouts.
5. Reassessment of their own capabilities.
Normally, you need to train regularly and dosed, it is better to seek the advice of experienced fitness instructors.
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