Healthy Lifestyle

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Top 5 Health Benefits Of Eggs | Thanks Doctor

July 31, 2021 0
Top 5 Health Benefits Of Eggs | Thanks Doctor

Health Benefits Of Eggs

Health Benefits Of Eggs

Eggs have been in the corner for a long time. After all, they would raise your cholesterol and therefore be bad for your health. Fortunately, we now know better and that knowledge is also starting to penetrate more and more people.

So today we put the egg in the spotlight and look at 5 “health benefits of eggs”.

Eggs are healthy! That much is clear. We refer all doubters to our article about the cholesterol myth. Because an egg? That's just part of it :-).

Table Of Contents

Top 5 Health Benefits Of Eggs

Nutritional Benefits Of Eggs

1. Good Source Of Protein

Giveaway :-). An egg? It's bursting with proteins. And protein is essential for good health. Your body needs them to build muscle mass, maintain your blood pressure and strengthen your bones. In addition, proteins are good for the line: protein-rich foods give you a feeling of satiety for a long time. Ideal to prevent snack moments!

Eggs are actually a good 'snack' in themselves: 1 hard-boiled egg contains only 90 kcal on average and keeps you full for a long time. In other words, the perfect snack. People who eat an egg every day for breakfast are said to lose more weight than people who don't. This is because the egg eaters take in fewer calories during the day than the other group.

2. Vitamin Bomb

Vitamins In Eggs
Eggs Vitamins

Eggs are little vitamin bombs. They are rich in vitamins (hold on tight!) A, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, E and K. In addition, they are also rich in folic acid (also known as vitamin B11). Folic acid is partly responsible for the growth and proper functioning of the body and for the production of white and red blood cells. Pregnant women also usually take folic acid supplements because it is very important for the early development of an unborn baby.

By the way, egg yolk is the main supplier of all those beautiful vitamins.

3. Source Of Good Fats

One of the “health benefits of eggs” is that they are rich in good fats. As our northern neighbors would say: eggs are fat and healthy :-)! 1 large egg (large) contains about 5 grams of healthy fats*. For example, they are a good source of omega 3, one of the 2 types of fatty acids that your body cannot do without. Omega 3 is also an essential fatty acid that cannot be produced by your body. So you have to get it from your diet. Your body needs omega 3 because it helps prevent heart problems. In addition, it helps to keep your muscles and joints healthy and improves your vision.

* Provided that the egg comes from chickens that live and eat healthy. Organic eggs from free-range chickens are best.

4. Eggs Are Good For Your Brain

An egg contains about 20% of the Daily Recommended Amount of choline. Choline is a substance that your brain needs to function optimally.

In addition, choline is also good for the functioning of the nervous system. Many people are choline deficient, so an egg would be the ideal way for them to immediately and easily increase their choline intake. Do not forget ;)!

Choline also acts as an anti-inflammatory.

5. Promote Immune System

Eggs are rich in iron. As a result, they contribute to the functioning of your immune system. In addition, they promote the production of red blood cells. And you need the latter to transport oxygen throughout your body. Necessary for the optimal functioning of all your muscles and organs.

Iron is also an important part of hemoglobin, the component of red blood cells that carries oxygen.

Tip: How Do You Know If An Egg Is Still Fresh?

Egg Testing In Water
Egg Freshness Test

Everyone sometimes asks themselves this question when they see a group of eggs in their fridge. Are they still fresh? You don't want to eat a spoiled egg! With this trick you can easily find out whether an egg is still fresh:

Fill a pitcher with water. Put the egg in here. Does the egg sink to the bottom? Then it's fresh. The higher the egg rises to the surface, the older (and less fresh) it is. An egg that floats is spoiled.

I hope you liked this article ( Top 5 “Health Benefits Of Eggs” ). Thank you

Friday, July 30, 2021

Fried Ice Cream Recipe | How To Make Fried Ice Cream With Bread

July 30, 2021 0
Fried Ice Cream Recipe | How To Make Fried Ice Cream With Bread

How to Make Homemade Fried Ice Cream


Fried Ice Cream Recipe
Homemade Fried Ice Cream Recipe With Canned Bread At Home


Fried ice cream” tastes great, but sometimes we are afraid to make it at home because it seems very difficult, but it is actually quite simple! Follow this recipe and you will see how perfect it looks from the first try. 

Vanilla Homemade Fried Ice Cream Recipe


  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Canned bread
  • Milk
  • Egg
  • Flour for hot cakes
  • Oléico® safflower oil
  • Self-adhesive kitchen plastic

Canned Bread Ice Cream Recipe

In a deep plate, place a square of self-adhesive plastic (the edges must protrude from the plate). Place a “scoop of ice cream” on the plastic and wrap it with a knot. Form the balls you want to fry and put them in the freezer for at least an hour. 

Cut the edges of the “bread box” and flatten it with a “rolling pin” so that it is very thin. You will need two “slices of bread” per ball. Remove the balls from the oven and cover them with slices of bread. Using a “kitchen brush”, moisten the “bread with milk” so that it sticks well. Cover the balls again with plastic wrap and put them back in the freezer for another hour. This helps the balls keep their shape while frying and won't melt.

Prepare the pancake flour mix according to package directions. 

Deep Fried Ice Cream

In a “deep saucepan”, heat the “Oléico® oil”. We use this oil because it has a higher smoke point and is made up mostly of good fats. You will know that the oil is ready for “frying ice cream” when adding a pinch of flour removes some foam. 

Now remove the plastic from the balls and dip them into the pancake mix. If you like, you can add “sliced ​​almonds” or “chopped peanuts”. Fry each ball until golden brown and place on an absorbent napkin to remove excess oil. 

Repeat with each ball and serve immediately with “liquid chocolate” or “whipped cream”. Do you see how easy it is? 

I hope you enjoyed this delicious recipe (  “Homemade Fried Ice Cream Recipe” ). If you plan to make this recipe at home, please let us know in the comments section, Thank you

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Benefits of Eating Mango | Article - 2021 | Thanks Doctor

July 29, 2021 0
Benefits of Eating Mango | Article - 2021 | Thanks Doctor

Benefits of Eating Mango

Benefits Of Eating Mango
Benefits Of Eating Mango


One of the most loved fruits is mango , since its flavor is delicious and wins us over at the first bite. I can also assure you that when you are enjoying it you completely forget all the “benefits of eating mango”.

If you still don't know them, here I will tell you a little more about them:

Benefits of Eating Mango

1. The vitamins that mangoes contain are ideal for keeping us healthy and strengthening our defenses to avoid any disease.

2. Mangoes contain pectin, a dietary fiber that helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Benefits Of Eating Mango
Mango Helps In Weight Gain

3. If what you need is to gain weight, the mango will help you achieve it, since 150 grams of mango equals 86 calories.

4. Fight digestive problems with mango , as it will eliminate acidity and indigestion.

Benefits Of Eating Mango
Health Benefits Of Mango

5. Mangoes are rich in iron, which makes them useful for people suffering from anemia .

6. In addition to giving your skin radiance, mango will be responsible for eliminating acne and damage to your skin.

7. Mangoes contain copious amounts of Vitamin B6, which is vital for maintaining and improving brain function

Benefits Of Eating Mango
Mango Benefits

8. The vitamins E Stas help in the amalgam of the main neurotransmitters that help determine the mood and changing sleep patterns. 

Now that you know the many “benefits of mango”, don't hesitate to enjoy some delicious mangoes with chilito.

I hope this article “Benefits of Eating Mango” is helpful for you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

15 Beauty Tips To Welcome 2022 Quickly At Home | Thanks Doctor

July 28, 2021 0
15 Beauty Tips To Welcome 2022 Quickly At Home | Thanks Doctor

Learn Now: 15 Beauty Tips To Welcome 2022 Quickly At Home

Every New Year to spring is also an opportunity for you to dress up, reunite with family and friends. This is the biggest holiday of the year around the world, so everyone wants to look beautiful, young and fresh. If you are concerned about dry hair, acne on your face or your chubby figure, then immediately refer to the 15 “beauty tips” to welcome  below.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How To Look Fresh And Rejuvenated | Thanks Doctor

July 27, 2021 0
How To Look Fresh And Rejuvenated | Thanks Doctor

 4 Remedies To Reduce Facial Puffiness: Look Fresh And Rejuvenated

The consumption of alcohol and the pressure when sleeping are some of the reasons that we wake up with a swollen face. The good news is that there are remedies to reduce facial puffiness: it looks fresh and rejuvenated .


Waking up, washing your face, and finding out in the mirror that your face is swollen can shock you. This can often be the result of the pressure we apply to our face during sleep or a night of drinking, although this is not always the case.

How To Reduce Facial Puffiness?

As there are different causes of facial swelling, there are different treatments. In mild cases, such as posture when sleeping, consumption of salt, alcohol, fatigue, there are remedies that can help reduce swelling.


However, it is important to be on the lookout for red flags. According to the United States National Library of Medicine , if the swelling is severe, painful, or sudden; lasts a long time or gets worse; you have difficulty breathing, fever, sensitivity or redness, go to the doctor.


Otherwise, try these natural remedies:


Cold Compresses

The cold is an excellent ally for swelling, as it helps blood vessels and tissues to contract. There are some gel masks that you can refrigerate and apply to your face to deflate it.


If you don't have this mask, you can put some ice cubes in an airtight bag, close and wrap in a towel before applying to your face, to reduce the risk of cold burns.


Cucumber Mask

Cucumber is hydrating, refreshing, but also anti-inflammatory, making it an excellent ally for bags under the eyes and dark circles . All you need is to grate half a cucumber and store it in the covered refrigerator for 30 minutes or an hour.


Apply to your face, leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse.


Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage is a technique that seeks to improve the circulation of the lymph and the lymphatic system through gentle massages in different areas of the body, in this way the automatic contraction of the lymphatic vessels is improved and edema and swelling are eliminated.


The MSD Manual explains that the lymphatic system transports fluid throughout the body; This liquid is called lymph, which also carries foreign substances for elimination.


Sometimes a blockage can cause fluid to build up. Lymphatic drainage seeks to drag retained fluids through pressure. To perform this massage, you need massage oil such as almond or flaxseed to lubricate your face.


Lying down, massage your face with your fingertips , applying light pressure. Go from the forehead to the neck, without forgetting the contour of the eyes, cheeks and neck. Of course, be careful with applying a lot of pressure and avoid them if you have a lymphatic system condition.


If you have fluid retention problems, these exercises can also help improve your lymphatic drainage.


Drink Herbal Teas

Drinking enough water helps eliminate toxins from the body, in addition to preventing fluid retention. If to this we add some infusions that have the property of combating this problem, we will be helping our body to eliminate the swelling of the face.


These include boldo, dandelion and horsetail tea. Learn more about them and their wonderful benefits.


Finally, reduce your consumption of alcohol and sodium, present not only in table salt, but in some foods; drink enough water; perform physical activity and lift your head when sleeping, to avoid sunrise with a swollen face.


Why Does The Face Swell?

Facial swelling is the result of fluid accumulation in the tissues of the face and can affect the neck and even the upper arms. There are different factors that can cause it: some mild, such as lack of sleep or sleeping position, as well as others that require medical attention.


According to specialists, among them are an allergic reaction, from stationary allergies to an insect bite, conjunctivitis or inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, facial injury or trauma, sinusitis, styes and dental abscesses.


However, disorders of the salivary glands , cellulitis (infection of the skin by bacteria), a reaction to a blood transfusion or some medication, as well as malnutrition, obesity, angioedema (swelling of the deep areas of the skin due to a reaction allergic) or Cushing's Syndrome, due to an excessive production of the hormone cortisol, can cause it.


In pregnancy, it can even be a sign of pre-eclampsia, which must be treated immediately . Therefore, if you are pregnant or if your swelling persists for several days, is accompanied by pain, redness or itching, shortness of breath, rash, dizziness or difficulty speaking, see a doctor immediately.


Try these remedies to reduce facial puffiness and forget about the inflamed face in the morning. Just remember to always pay attention to the warning signs and, if the swelling is constant, see a doctor.


Don't forget to share this content.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Top 5 Beauty Tips | Beauty Tips Of The Day

July 26, 2021 0
Top 5 Beauty Tips | Beauty Tips Of The Day
Beauty Tips For Body At Home

How To Look Young And Beautiful Naturally
Tips To Look Young And Beautiful

Do you want to look young and beautiful all the time? To achieve this, it is essential that you follow some “beauty tips” that are practical so that you relax and pamper yourself after a day full of stress .

Table Of Contents

Take time for yourself!

Even if you are very busy, it is important that you dedicate yourself a few minutes a day to enjoy your company, meditate and reflect on everything that happens around you, while you pamper and beautify your body. To get started, follow these beauty tips:

1. Body Cleaning Tips

Natural Beauty Tips

Bath Before Bed
Bath Before Bed

Good hygiene is basic for all human beings, in addition to preventing diseases , you will feel safer and fresher. Take a shower before going outside and you can take a relaxing bath at night.


Also, do not forget that each part of the body is important, but try to wash your face after removing make-up and before going to sleep; with this you will avoid the appearance of imperfections.

2. Beauty Tips For Mask

Homemade Beauty Tips For Face

Homemade Beauty Tips For Face Mask
Beauty Tips Face Mask

This is a basic ritual for women, as it delays the appearance of lines, hydrates your skin and eliminates pimples or blackheads. You can buy a specialized product or create a homemade one like the one recommended by the Institute of Alternative Therapies Iris , you only need:


Two drops of essential oils of lavender, chamomile, geranium; three drops of orange essential oil; 10 drops of rosehip essential oil. White clay. Mineral water. First, mix white clay with a little mineral water to make a paste, add the essential oils. Apply the mask to your face; leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. You will regain the hydration and elasticity of your skin . 

3. Beauty Tips For Hair Treatment

Hair Treatment And Beauty Tips
Hair Treatment And Beauty Tips

It is normal for women to apply different products to their hair to look spectacular; however, some treatments such as dyes, straightening and perms mistreat from the scalp to every hair. To restore silkiness and shine, you should only eat a balanced diet rich in iron and protein, as well as apply a mask like this:


Mix eight drops of petitgrain, lemon and lavender essential oils, as well as two tablespoons of hazelnut vegetable oil. Apply the paste directly to the hair and wrap it in a towel. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse.

4. Beauty Tips Waxing

Beauty Tips Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal

Hair- free legs are very attractive. There are several hair removal techniques that you can apply, from wax to laser. You just have to know your needs and choose the one that best suits you.

5. Pedicure At Home

Beauty Tips For Pedicure
Beauty Tips For Pedicure

Beauty tips for your feet are very easy. Try to pamper them constantly, since they are the ones who support the weight of your entire body. Soak them in warm water and gently brush your nails and heels; you can use a scrub to remove roughness. Every 15 days, go to a specialist to perform a pedicure and prevent any infection .

Remember that these “beauty tips” will help you raise your self-esteem and maintain good health. You don't need a lot of money to achieve it, just take a few minutes to enjoy yourself and create your own spa at home . And you, what other beauty ritual do you practice?

Warning: ​

Consult your physician before following the instructions in this post.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Top 5 Fitness Trends For 2021/2022 | Bloggy Shahid

July 25, 2021 0
Top 5 Fitness Trends For 2021/2022 | Bloggy Shahid

Top 5 Fitness Trends For 2021/2022

Top 5 Fitness Trends For 2021/2022
Fitness Trends During COVID

The practice of sports activity  has been greatly altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving professionals in the sector concerned about the future. The “fitness trends” for 2021/2022  reflect how the world has changed throughout this difficult period.

Athletes' motivations and goals have also undergone significant transformations in recent times. If you have a gym or Crossfit box , or if you work as a personal trainer, it is important to keep up with “fitness trends”  in order to respond to your clients' preferences in the post-pandemic future.

We bring together for you the main training trends that are beginning to be seen in the world of sports practice.

5 Fitness Trends For 2021/2022

 Newest Exercise Trends

1. Do Sports To Lose Weight

Long periods of confinement, combined with forced stoppage of gym visits, has led many people to adopt less healthy habits, resulting in weight gain.

At home, there is a natural tendency to sedentary activities, such as spending a lot of time in front of the computer or television. There was also a greater dedication to cooking, experimenting with new recipes, almost always very caloric.

All this has had its consequences in the physical form of many people. Thus, the return to sports activity now brings an added motivation: to “lose weight”  and regain a healthy lifestyle.


2. Opt For Personalized Workouts With a Personal Trainer

Gyms offering personalized training services are beginning to be in high demand. Exercising with a dedicated personal trainer is one of the  strongest “fitness trends” right now. Besides being considered safer, it is also seen as a more effective form of training.

Therefore, creating adapted areas in your gym that allow this type of classroom is a good bet. Choosing a  resistant and versatile sports floor is essential to improve the experience of athletes and ensure their safety and comfort.


3. Exercise Outdoors

With the closure of gyms, outdoor workouts  have become more popular during the pandemic. In addition to being considered safer, training outdoors provides a more liberating and enjoyable experience for many athletes.

To respond to this preference, many gyms are already joining this initiative, creating outdoor spaces for their clients to exercise.

Some care must be taken when choosing the equipment and the floor  for these premises. The artificial turf Trail , the Gymfloor  or Alpha Tiles  are good choices for the floor, and that can be used both indoors and outdoors.


4. Prefer Functional Training

The functional training  is distinguished from localized training because the exercise involved several muscle groups. Workouts are more complex and comprehensive than bodybuilding, for example, but they are also more effective for those who want to work the whole body.

This type of exercise that uses, most of the time, the weight of the body itself, does not require complex equipment, other than a  suitable sports floor .

For these reasons, functional training is one of the main “fitness trends”  today, presenting visible results in a short time.


5. Do Sports Through Online Classes

Many of the gyms that promoted online classes during the quarantine have maintained this modality after the reopening. Thus, they offer an alternative for those who have chosen to create a small home gym  or for those clients who still do not feel ready to return to the gym.

Playing sports online can also serve as a complement to face-to-face classes or replace a visit to the gym on those days when you don't feel like leaving home to train.

By providing real-time monitoring and being so comfortable, virtual sport is another of the “fitness trends” of the moment .

Today we are experiencing a transition phase in the world of sports practice. Sports enthusiasts can approach this moment as an opportunity to find new activities and training options.

To best respond to what your athletes are looking for, you need to invest in quality and pay attention to “fitness trends” .