Healthy Lifestyle

Monday, February 3, 2020

Benefits Of Pears

February 03, 2020 0
Benefits Of Pears

Benefits Of Pears

Pears heal - a great option for a variety of diets and children's menu. In Russia, this product has long held a place of honor on the table including dried delicacies. And it's no wonder our ancestors love the fruits so much! Dried pears don't lose their properties during drying and are incredibly tasty and healthy for the physical body.


The above product is very rich in vitamins, minerals, and other substances. Pear contains:

  • Diet vile;
  • Glucose;
  • Fructose;
  • Starch;
  • Tannin;
  • Di monosaccharide;
  • As;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Vitamins: retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, B5, pyridoxine, beta-carotene, PP;
  • Micro and macro elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, molybdenum, iodine, silicon, and others;
  • Arbutin natural antibiotics.

Thanks to this composition of dried pears in their useful properties are not inferior place dried bananas, dates, dried apricots, papaya, pineapple.

Furthermore, it should be noted that the drying process does not affect the content of the above substances in the fruit. Pear preserves all the properties of fresh fruit.


Pears calories

These fruits enrich the human body with various substances: vitamins, trace elements, and others. The main value of this product - it's content in its composition of dietary fiber.

Also, the amount of folic acid bypasses pear blackberry. And this figure! After all, vitamin B9 is responsible for a good mood, if directly involved in the development of the happiness hormone. Therefore, this fruit has a refreshing and refreshing effect on the body.

Folic acid also supports the cardiovascular and immune systems, supplies carbon for hemoglobin synthesis and influences the development and growth of all the tissues of the body.

Furthermore, the low-calorie value has cured pears. The benefits of their extremely large, especially for people who love the diet.

Damage to the upper fetus is observed just in case there is an individual intolerance of the product. Experts have also recommended a limited amount of dried pears used to treat people with diseases such as obesity and diabetes.


Pear Calories

This product has several actions on the human body, namely:

  • A diuretic;
  • Cover suppressing;
  • Recovering;
  • Antipyretic.
Also, dried pears can affect intestinal flora, prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the kidney and bladder, increase the acidity of gastric juice and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the stomach and small intestine.

Also, the above product perfectly removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol, cleanses the intestines, prevents the development of rot processes in the colon, promotes muscle growth. Dried pears strengthen vessel walls, improving blood vessel and insight.

If you regularly eat this product, improved human performance, eliminate the symptoms of dizziness and mood rises.

These fruits are recommended for use with people with the following diseases and conditions:

  • Heart problems and its system;
  • Digestion trend;
  • Obesity;
  • Insomnia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Colds;
  • Nervous system disorders;
  • Depression;
  • Rapid fatigue;
  • Severe headaches.


100 g of this product contains 246 kcal. Therefore, the observation of the diet, should consider this figure, enjoy sun-dried pears. The calorie content is 12% of the daily norm.

Also, dried pears contain:

  • 62 g of carbohydrates (23% is the norm for the day);
  • 2 g of protein (that's 3% of daily requirement).

This product does not have in its composition of fats.


Pear Recipes

This fruit of all varieties is excellent for drying. The main requirement for it - the pears must be ripe and dense, have a thin skin. It will be noted that the over-ripe and spoiled fruits do not fit categorically.

Fruit must be washed thoroughly. Pear cut in half, remove the core and pour sugar in a ratio of 3: 1. They should insist on room temperature for a little over a day. then pour fruit into a colander, and their juice adds sugar (half of the first batch) and cook for a few minutes.

In this liquid add pears and cook for about 12 minutes. Then again put pears in a colander.

Then the fruit is needed to lay on a baking sheet so they do not touch each other. Jerk pears 3 times in an oven to 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.


dried-pears,soft dried pears

Over-dried and soft fruits are not worth buying. Song dried quality pears are characterized by the following features:

  • To a dry extent;
  • Account;
  • Opaque;
  • Shriveled;
  • Matt.

If you bought the fruit present its bitter taste - it is a sign of improper manufacturing techniques. Therefore, it is better to buy goods not in the form of unloading, and in the original packaging, which specified expiry date and corresponding rooms.

Dried fruits are stored at a maximum temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, they must be in a dark room and unsaturated. If assured normal conditions of storage dried pears, then the shelf life can last up to two years.

If the data is the fruit washed in the room at normal room temperature, then use them should be up to 12 months.

Dried pears - tasty and healthy treat. The drying process this fruit and uncomplicated under the power of any housewife.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Broccoli Health Benefits

February 01, 2020 0
Broccoli Health Benefits

Health Benefits Of Broccoli

Green vegetables are always the recommended food to eat regularly for many benefits. In particular, broccoli (or broccoli) is one of the most popular natural vegetables in dishes. It will be more surprising to know the benefits of broccoli to health through the following article.

Benefits Of Broccoli

broccoli-health-benefits,benefits-of-broccoli,benefits of eating broccoli daily,

Excellent resistance to disease of broccoli

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The mistake when processing broccoli is not well known

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable of the same form as cabbage and cauliflower. Often used in many dishes such as suiting, soup or juice ... although there are many ways of processing such as adding the benefits of broccoli to health is immense.

Broccoli is a nutritious food when it contains many vitamins C, K, B6 along with calcium, folate, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium. Especially broccoli also has many antioxidants such as glucosinolates phytonutrient, flavonoids that can help the body fight cancer and antibacterial effectively.

So using broccoli every day will work to maintain blood sugar levels at a stable level, prevent the formation of cancers, reduce cholesterol, detoxify the body, enhance immunity. Fluids for the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system better and better.

Here are the uses of broccoli for health you can refer to:

Also read this article: Health benefits of beetroot

1. Help prevent the onset of cancer

Broccoli is a food rich in antioxidants, particularly phytochemicals with the ability to prevent cancer and improve the immune system extremely effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the use of broccoli more often to help limit and protect the body from cancer attack.

2. Reduce cholesterol

As vegetables contain lots of soluble fiber and chromium and potassium, broccoli is able to effectively reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. In addition, this amount of fiber also contributes to supporting acidity in the digestive tract, making food easier to digest.

3. Reduce allergies

broccoli-benefits-for-skin,benefits of broccoli and cauliflower,broccoli nutrition
Broccoli Benefits

An integral component of broccoli is the omega-3 fatty acids that are very beneficial for people with arthritis, asthma or other allergies. Regular use of broccoli helps the body replenish a large amount of compounds such as quercetin, kaempferol and polyphenols that act as an ingredient against allergies.

4. Maintain body weight

Because it contains very few calories, broccoli is considered an ideal food for people who want to lose weight. On the other hand, due to its high fiber content, it can provide and maintain enough energy for the body in the long run. Consistent use of broccoli will quickly regain your perfect physique.

5. Good for the eyes

Vitamin A, beta-carotene, phosphorus and other antioxidants found in broccoli will help protect the eyes effectively against the attack of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, broccoli is considered to be a food that is good for the health of the eyes. If you want to have healthy, bright eyes, you should regularly apply broccoli to your daily diet.

6. Enhance cardiovascular health

Sulforaphane is an antioxidant compound found in broccoli that prevents the attack and destruction of blood's crust. From there helps to effectively protect cardiovascular health.

7. Strengthen health for the liver


In addition to the cardiovascular protection Sulforaphane found in broccoli helps stimulate the proliferation of detoxifying enzymes and protects the liver from the invasion of toxins that are available in the body. From there, helps the body effectively prevent fatty liver diseases, while improving the function and function of the liver better.

8. Improve digestion

The amount of fiber in broccoli helps the digestive system work more smoothly, soothes inflammation in the large intestine, prevents the formation of colon cancer, When the body experiences symptoms of indigestion, bloating, Immediately use broccoli to help the digestive system work better.

9. Improve joint and bone health

Thanks to the abundant calcium and potassium, broccoli becomes a very good food for bone and joint health, helping to prevent osteoporosis and spinal degeneration. On the other hand, because of the high content of other minerals like phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, broccoli is essential for children, the elderly and postpartum women.

10. Detoxify the body

The abundant fiber content of broccoli helps the body to excrete toxins more smoothly. Thereby limiting the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, leaving them no chance of disease.

11. Do not shred before washing

Normally when preparing broccoli many people often leave it whole and wash it, but this is a vegetable with many insects and small bugs residing so the washing will not be clean. You need to chopped broccoli and soak in salt water for 5 to 10 minutes to remove dirt, insects before being processed, to ensure health.

12. Use only cotton to remove stalks

Many people believe that the stalks of broccoli are hard, dry, do not contain much nutrients, so when processing, they often pick them up without mercy. But did you know that this practice has caused you to make a serious mistake and eliminate a huge source of nutrients in broccoli.

Many studies have shown that the petiole is high in fiber and the sweetness is even higher than that of broccoli. So from now on when preparing broccoli you should not throw away the stalks anymore, please clean them, remove the outer skin so it no longer hard, surely you will have a delicious and delicious food. nutritious.

13. Remove leaves of broccoli

In addition to removing the stem, many people also have the habit of removing the leaves of broccoli. This is a mistake, as compared to other parts of broccoli, the leaves are the most concentrated area of   beta-carotene, which helps fight cancer. At the same time, they contain lots of vitamins A and C which are essential for the body. Therefore, you should use broccoli every day to reduce the risk of breast cancer, macular degeneration in the eyes. For broccoli leaves you can turn them into soup or fried, stir-fried are very delicious.

14. Boil broccoli with boiling water for too long

If you are in the habit of boiling broccoli with boiling water for too long to eat, change it in another way immediately because doing so will accidentally lose the large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. It is the boiling of broccoli in boiling water that will cause the nutrients to dissolve into the water, resulting in evaporation, which is no longer retained.

To keep the nutritional value of broccoli intact, just steam it or boil it and use it immediately.

These diseases should not eat broccoli

Pregnant women : Despite being a vegetable that contains lots of vitamin C, it is good for health, but if using broccoli regularly can make pregnant women have miscarriage, due to excess vitamin C. Broccoli should be used during pregnancy to ensure safety for mothers and babies.

Stomach pain: Although broccoli has a lot of good fiber for digestive system, it is easy to generate gas, leading to indigestion when you eat raw. Therefore, to ensure the health of those who suffer from severe pain when using broccoli must be processed, cooked before eating, not eaten raw.

People with gout: It is rated as nutritious foods that are good for health, but this is a vegetable that is classified as containing high levels of purine, so people with gout should be absolutely avoided if like not wanting uric acid to keep rising and causing pain.

Broccoli contains very high levels of purines, so people with gout should be absolutely avoided.

Which broccoli and cauliflower is better?

broccoli-and-cauliflower,broccoli and cauliflower difference
Broccoli And Cauliflower Difference

Many people mistakenly think broccoli and cauliflower is one but actually broccoli has a scientific name of Broccoli with the shape of large blooms with green color. Meanwhile, cauliflower cauliflower has a large white, very soft and porous flower structure. Although the same subordinates Cai but 2 types are completely different from shape, color to nutritional value, namely:

Daily nutritional needs  

 Ingredients comparable
Broccoli (1 cup)
Cauliflower (1 cup)
 Both provide very few calories, but cauliflower is   considered to be better
thirty first
 In terms of protein intake, broccoli dominates   broccoli
 In terms of carbohydrate intake, cauliflower is less
 Known to be a good food for the digestive system   because broccoli contains significant amounts of   soluble   fiber good for the body.
 The amount of calcium that broccoli provides to the   body is almost double that of cauliflower
 In terms of iron content, broccoli also surpasses   cauliflower
 Broccoli also contains higher amounts of   magnesium   than cauliflower
 Broccoli also contains lots of phosphorus
 Cauliflower surpasses broccoli when it contains   more   potassium
 But compared to zinc, broccoli is a little bit better
 In terms of vitamin C content between the two   vegetables, broccoli is superior
 Cauliflower contains more folate than broccoli
 Broccoli is a vegetable that contains much of the   vitamin  A needed by the body, but cauliflower is   completely absent
 Broccoli leads by far ahead of cauliflower in   vitamin  K   content

From the above information, both broccoli and cauliflower are very good for health, as well as foods rich in nutritional value. Therefore, you should use them regularly to improve health status. However, do not eat too much, it is best to only use about 160g is standard.

How to choose and preserve broccoli effectively:

On how to choose: To be able to buy a quality broccoli, you should prioritize choosing broccoli plants that are homogeneous in green, and the stems and stalks must be very firm and have a certain crunch. , the flowers must be located closely together, not crushed. If broccoli still leaves, make sure the leaves are green, fresh and not wither.

About storage: To keep broccoli long-lasting and not reduce the quality of nutrition because to clean the day, you should use a plastic bag for each broccoli tree, remember not to Cover the top of the bag tightly, then put it in the refrigerator compartment This way you can preserve the broccoli to keep it fresh for about 4 days.

The recipe to make the dish with broccoli is delicious

1. Broccoli fried with sharp sleep


- 200g of lean beef or pork

- 100g fresh shrimp

- 200g broccoli

- 1 kohlrabi root

- 1 carrot

- 1 bell pepper

- Cilantro and celery

- Spice


Step 1: Broccoli, carrots, kohlrabi, bell peppers, cilantro, celery, when bought, need to be soaked with salt water and washed thoroughly, picked up to drain.

Step 2: Cut the washed ingredients. For broccoli you can cut into small pieces to fit your liking. Particularly for carrots, kohlrabi, and bell peppers, they have been eaten so neither too thin nor too thick for the cooking process to be more even.

Step 3: Meat and shrimp you also washed. Slices of spiced minced meat to taste aside. Shrimp peeled off, leaving only blood on the back can be cut in half or left whole to marinate spices to absorb evenly.

Step 4: Catch the pot of water on the stove and prune the sliced   vegetables then put in ice water to keep the color fresh for the dish.

Step 5: Catch the pan on the stove when it is hot. When the vegetables are cooked, add the seasoned beef and shrimp to the frying pan for another 2 to 3 minutes, then turn off the heat.

Finally, put the food on a plate and garnish with celery coriander on top, adding a little pepper if desired.

Stir-fried broccoli is not only a delicious eye-catching dish but also extremely nutritious, it will surely be loved by family members.

2. Broccoli soup


300g broccoli

200g carrots

500g of pork cheekbone

1 small ginger

Green onions and cilantro

Kinds of spice


Step 1: Pork cheek bone after buying should be prepared by cutting small pieces soaked in salt water and a few slices of ginger for about 15 minutes, then remove and wash again with water.

Step 2: Carrot peeled and cut into circles, washed broccoli and cut to taste.

Step 3: Take the pot of boiling water to the stove then put the pork cheeks that have been washed into the stew for about 30 minutes. Next, turn the carrots into the same stew, remove the foam during the cooking process to make the soup clear.

Step 4: When the stew bone pot has finally boiled, you should put broccoli into the seasoning and cook for about 20 minutes before turning off the heat.

Step 5: Put the soup in a bowl then add scallions and cilantro and pepper on.

A broccoli soup with a refreshing drink from the bone broth and broccoli will help you to recharge, increase effective resistance.

3. Broccoli juice


1/2 cup broccoli

1/2 carrot

1/2 pear

1/2 cup of filtered water


To make this fruit and vegetable drink is really simple. You just take the peeled material, rinse and cut into small pieces. Then put them all into a puree and squeeze the water, make a cup and enjoy. If you feel uncomfortable when eating broccoli, you should turn to try broccoli juice, this is definitely a nutritious drink that helps you improve health quickly.

The health benefits of broccoli are listed in our article, so quickly add them to your family's daily diet to provide more nutrition for them. whole house. Wish you always healthy!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Benefits Of Beetroot

January 29, 2020 1
 Benefits Of  Beetroot

Health benefits of beets

What are the benefits and nutrition of beets?

beetroot-benefits,beetroot-juice,beetroot-halwa,beetroot-salad,beetroot-soup,beetroot nutrition

Health benefits of beetroot

1. Contains a lot of antioxidants in it.2. Natural detox for the body (kidney and liver)
3. May prevent hypertension
4. Increased stamina, ideal for athletes
5. Prevents Anemia
6. Reducing digestive problems
7. The right for those who want to lose weight
8. Overcoming the problem of dandruff
9. Natural food coloring
10. Natural hair dye-beet leaves are also useful.

How do you cook or process beets?

But also consider the following points before eating beets-share this:

Beetroot is a plant that comes from the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae family. That is, beets are still a family with turnips and other root vegetables. As a rule, this fruit is used only by those roots that have a sweet taste for health medicine. But over time, meat and leaves are also consumed.

Beetroot was first used by people in Africa thousands of years ago. Its root crop is very popular, and then spreads to Asia and Europe. Then these people grow and consume them in their area.

From the 16th to the 19th century, beets were used to produce several benefits. For example, fruit juice is used as a food coloring. At the same time, the sugar content in fruits is used as a sweetening mixture in foods and drinks. Moreover, around the 19th century, this fruit began to be used as a mixture of ingredients for the extraction and refining of sugar made from sugarcane.

What are the benefits and nutrition of beets?

Beets or red beets are a variety of reddish-purple tubers. The shape resembles potatoes, and the benefits of beets are also found in the roots and stems. Beets are usually consumed by making juice or processing into dishes with a soft texture.

Although leaves can be prepared for cooking vegetables, beets are better known for their tubers, which contain many healthy substances for the body. Beets are high in carbohydrates, but very low in fat, calories, and protein.

So this is very good for those on a diet program. The content of betacyanin (a purple pigment) and betasanthin (a yellow pigment) found in beets makes the color from dark red to purple. Because of this concentrated color, beets also are often used as a natural coloring.

This fruit can often be found in America and England, but if you want to buy it, you can buy it at the supermarket. Come see the innumerable benefits of beets to the body in the explanation below.

Beet Nutrients

In beets you can find the following nutrients:

Folic acid Kaliumen fiber vitamin C magnesium iron phosphorus tryptophan Coumarin Betasianin

Health benefits of beet


1. Contains a lot of antioxidants in it.

Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize the entry of harmful free radicals into the body. Antioxidants can also prevent oxidative stress and damage good cells in your body.

In addition, several studies have shown that antioxidants can protect the body against many types of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

The benefits of beets, of course, are also found in the high content of phytonutrients for the fight against diseases, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In fact, beets are considered one of the sources of fruits containing phytonutrients, i.e. betalain. Betalain is good for lightening skin tone. It can also help protect against certain types of cancer and other diseases in your body.

2. Natural detox for the body (kidney and liver)

The body can actually release toxins (detox), this happens naturally to prevent poisoning. Firstly, there is a kidney detoxification organ that functions to filter blood and produce urine.Then there are lungs that function to remove carbon dioxide from the inhaled oxygen. There is skin that pushes toxins and other harmful particles through the pores. In addition, there is also the liver, which plays an important role in detoxification, namely, removing toxins and other harmful substances from the blood.

To induce the body to flush out toxins, beets can help some of these organs, especially the kidneys and liver, maintain optimal performance. This was discovered as a result of research in Poland.

This study tested a beetroot mouse; the rat was indeed damaged in the cells in its body. After regular use of beets, studies published in the journal Phytotherapy Research showed that mice became healthier.

These results were found in mice, which showed that enzyme levels were good, and the detoxification organs in the body worked optimally to remove toxins in the body due to beet consumption. Do not forget to also eat beetroot juice, carrots and cucumbers, this is one of the best ways to cleanse the kidneys and liver of toxins that accumulate in both organs.

3. May prevent hypertension

It has been proven that drinking beet juice reduces high blood pressure. The nitrate content, which is also found in green leafy vegetables, lowers blood pressure.

The results of studies conducted by Barts and the London School of Medicine, as well as the Peninsula School of Medicine, offer this inexpensive way to reduce hypertension. According to prof. Amrita Ahluwalia of Barts & London School of Medicine, drinking beetroot juice and other nitrate-rich vegetables will keep your heart healthy.

4. Increased stamina, ideal for athletes

Studies at the University of Exter in the United Kingdom show that drinking beetroot juice can help athletes, usually athletes, be 16 percent stronger and more resilient, since nitrate levels can reduce oxygen burning in sports and reduce fatigue.

Beetroot has been proven to have the benefits of an athlete's diet. This is due to the fact that the nitrate content helps cells to better generate energy in the body, thereby increasing productivity.

In addition, a pilot study conducted in 2011 showed that regular consumption of beet juice can increase a person’s energy and stamina by 2, 8 percent more energy.

Other studies also show that nitrate supplements can reduce fatigue during exercise and can increase physical activity suitable for athletes.

5. Prevents Anemia

This reddish fruit is often associated with the color of the blood, which is why it is used to overcome the problem of anemia. In fact, what overcomes anemia is a high iron content that reactivates and regenerates red blood cells and supplies oxygen, which is good for the health of red blood cells.

6. Reducing digestive problems

Beets are a fiber-rich fruit that provides 3, 8 grams per serving of beets. Fiber content helps food move through the intestines. Fiber can also help soften stools to make your bowel or bowel movements comfortable, healthy, and regular.

Research has shown that fiber intake in fruits can make bowel movements in people with constipation or difficulty making it so smooth. However, not only that, other studies have also shown that consuming fiber from beetroot foods is also good for digestive health and can protect conditions like intestinal infections, hemorrhoids and GERD or stomach acid.

If you experience digestive problems, nausea, pain, or diarrhea, you can drink beetroot juice mixed with carrots with one tablespoon of lemon or lime juice. Drinking beetroot juice mixed with one tablespoon of honey in the morning before breakfast will help reduce bloating.

7. The right for those who want to lose weight

In addition to being rich in nutrients, beets contain a lot of fiber but few calories. This is a good source of food if you are on a diet or want to lose weight. In fact, each cup of beet contains up to 59 calories and 3, 8 grams of fiber, or the equivalent of 15 percent of the fiber you need during the day.

When you eat fiber, it moves slowly within the alimentary canal .
It is this fiber that helps you cope with hunger and can remain full. According to one study in Boston, consuming 14 grams of fiber per day can lower your daily calorie intake by 10 percent, you know. Often, the results of your weight can gradually decrease to 4 pounds over 4 months if you regularly eat beets and eat healthy foods.

8. Overcoming the problem of dandruff

To solve the problem of dandruff on your beautiful hair, try boiling a little beetroot and then rub it on the delicate scalp. Leave it overnight wrapped in a towel. Rinse and rinse with shampoo the next day.

9. Natural food coloring

The betanine content, which gives a bright red color, can be used for natural food colors such as ice cream, wet cakes or cookies, as well as jelly.

10. Natural hair dye

If you are going to dye your hair with henna powder, try choosing a black color, and then mix it with red beet root juice. As a result, your hair will be black with burgundy and natural shades. Healthier and yet naturally beautiful.

Beet leaves are also useful.

Beetroot Leaves

In addition to the root and pulp of the fruit, obviously, beet leaves are also useful and can be consumed, you know. The reddish-purple leaves of the fruit contain important nutrients such as protein, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and copper. In addition, the leaves also contain large amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron.
Beet leaves actually contain more iron than iron in spinach (other green leaf in the same botanical family). Then the nutritional value is also higher than the food in the root or meat of the fetus itself. Here are some of the benefits of leaves:

Help prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone strength Fighting Alzheimer's Strengthen your immune system by stimulating the production of antibodies and white blood cells.

How do you cook or process beets?

There are some ways to cook or process beets.
 It can be eaten raw, stir, cook according to the recipe or even bake.

If you eat raw meta beets, it has a rather sharp, but slightly sweet texture. Usually, people add beets to salads or as an ingredient in their smoothie. Eating raw beets, you can get the overall nutrition of beets in a natural way.

In addition to being eaten raw, you can also mix beets with other ingredients in your cooking mix. When you cook beets, the texture of the meat will be softer and slightly sweeter. This fruit is often used with cheese or balsamic vinegar.

Roasting beets can also provide a stronger sweet feel. Since the sugar content of fried beets can be the original caramel liquid directly from sugar beets.

In addition to fried beets, you can boil or steam. It is important to note that cooking, baking, or boiling beets for too long can lead to the disappearance of some of the nutrient content. The good thing is, do not cook it until it is too ripe, add beets when the cooking is almost ready to be cooked.

This is useful to stop oxidation and maximize the nutritional value of your beets.
Also, choose fresh beets or pickled beets to get maximum nutritional value.

But also consider the following points before eating beets

Although beets have many benefits, there are some things to keep in mind when eating beets. Although rare, some people may be allergic to beets. If you experience food allergy symptoms such as itching, itching, or swelling, stop using beets immediately and talk with your doctor.

Also, remember that beets are one of the vegetables that contain a fairly high level of sugar. Eating one cup of beets can have a negative effect on raising blood sugar. Thus, often because of the high sugar content, beets are commonly used in the production of refined sugar, called "beet sugar" or "steam beet juice."

This type of sugar undergoes a reasonably high chemical change and may even damage or eliminate the nutritional value of beets themselves.
 Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the bits that are processed and consumed. Beet sugar made from beetroot extract is just as dangerous as other types of refined sugar, such as white cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Diet for exercise and weight loss

January 25, 2020 0
Diet for exercise and weight loss

Diet for exercise and weight loss

A beautiful, healthy and harmonious body is a difficult task if you do not train and do not eat properly. It is interesting to note that nutrition plays an even more important role than training - which any coach will confirm.

What is a Fitness Diet ? 

The so-called nutritional diet for active sports people, writes expert. It is fair to emphasize that this is not a diet, but a diet regimen designed to maintain proper activity in the gym, to feel good and to achieve post-workout results. What, when and how much you eat directly depends on the results of your visit to the gym.

There are different diets available for fat reduction or lean muscle building. In most cases, girls still want to lose weight, so it is worth discussing in detail the nutrition of exercise to get rid of unwanted kilograms.

The basic advice is not to go on "starvation diets". A diet of less than 1,500 kcal, free from vegetables, fruits, cereals, and whole proteins, is harmful to a woman. Professional athletes are often committed to a wide variety of extreme diets, but they do not try to hide the fact that their health is severely affected by such nutrition.

A proper fitness diet provides the body with energy and promotes fat burning. If you do everything right, you will lose weight and your hair, skin and nails will not suffer. You should not feel drowsy, tired, have your menstrual cycle, etc., while following this diet.

fitness-exercises,fitness exercises in gym,fitness diet plan
Fitness Diet

Choosing the right products The correct diet should consist of: compound carbohydrates (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, barley, pearl barley, a mixture of oatmeal and bran, non-starchy vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grain bread); protein (non-fat meat, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products); the fat content is limited and is not recommended in pure form (only a small amount of oil is available for salad dressing); You will get healthy fats from protein-rich fat products.

It is important to note the fluids you consume. Give up any "liquid" calories: fruit juice, sweetened tea, carbonated drinks, etc. Drink water, unsweetened herbal teas, and so on. It is important to consume sufficient amount of fluid - about 30 ml per kilogram of body passport. If you exercise intensely or suffer from extreme heat, you may want to increase your fluid intake. Minimize the use of sweets, baked goods, fried meals, ultra-salty, fast food. 

How do I eat this diet?

The diet should be properly segmented. If you eat frequently, your work capacity will not suffer and you will avoid the risk of overeating. It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, portions should be small, so a generous lunch of the first, second, third dish and compote is canceled. Protein and carbohydrates your body should get every time you eat - this is a guarantee of success. Choose from the following combinations: meat with vegetables and whole grain bread; fish with brown rice; cottage cheese with fruit, etc

meat-with-vegetables,meat with vegetables benefits

The food should be delicious and varied, otherwise you risk losing the whole thing shortly. Use a variety of cooking methods to preserve the taste and aroma of the food. Food before and after exercise is extremely important. Pre-workout meals should provide the energy needed to burn fat, and post-workout snacks should help you regain strength without losing weight. After a workout, the so-called anabolic window opens.

The duration of this phenomenon is about 40 minutes. Anything you eat at that time will be for recovery or weight gain, depending on the type and amount of food. For this reason, it is imperative that you follow the advice of professionals with the utmost care. To avoid a sudden feeling of hunger, eat a little carbohydrate (a couple tablespoons of honey or jam or half a banana) and feed your muscles with easy-to-absorb kefir or yogurt protein. Everything.

Daily menu Breakfast

 A slice of bread (30 g), 1 whole boiled egg and 1 egg white, sugar-free tea with lemon. Snack: apple or pear and 30 g of non-fat cheese. Lunch: meat or poultry (about 150 g), vegetable salad, garnish with buckwheat or rice. Pre-workout: 1 banana, 0.5 cups of yogurt. After a workout: a glass of lean kefir and 1 teaspoon of honey. Dinner: steamed fish and stewed vegetables. Night Nights: 1 glass of kefir.

Bread With Egg

If you experience a lack of energy, increase the amount of complex carbohydrates and protein slightly. For example, add another 100 grams of curd, a couple of tablespoons of porridge, and fruit to your diet. By following this diet and exercising regularly, you will lose 500 grams of body weight per week due to losing fat.