Benefits Of Pears
Pears heal - a great option for a variety of diets and children's menu. In Russia, this product has long held a place of honor on the table including dried delicacies. And it's no wonder our ancestors love the fruits so much! Dried pears don't lose their properties during drying and are incredibly tasty and healthy for the physical body.A USEFUL COMPOSITION OF PEARS
Pears |
The above product is very rich in vitamins, minerals, and other substances. Pear contains:
- Diet vile;
- Glucose;
- Fructose;
- Starch;
- Tannin;
- Di monosaccharide;
- As;
- Carbohydrates;
- Vitamins: retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, B5, pyridoxine, beta-carotene, PP;
- Micro and macro elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, molybdenum, iodine, silicon, and others;
- Arbutin natural antibiotics.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the drying process does not affect the content of the above substances in the fruit. Pear preserves all the properties of fresh fruit.
Pears calories |
Also, the amount of folic acid bypasses pear blackberry. And this figure! After all, vitamin B9 is responsible for a good mood, if directly involved in the development of the happiness hormone. Therefore, this fruit has a refreshing and refreshing effect on the body.
Folic acid also supports the cardiovascular and immune systems, supplies carbon for hemoglobin synthesis and influences the development and growth of all the tissues of the body.
Furthermore, the low-calorie value has cured pears. The benefits of their extremely large, especially for people who love the diet.
Damage to the upper fetus is observed just in case there is an individual intolerance of the product. Experts have also recommended a limited amount of dried pears used to treat people with diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
Pear Calories |
This product has several actions on the human body, namely:
- A diuretic;
- Cover suppressing;
- Recovering;
- Antipyretic.
Also, the above product perfectly removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol, cleanses the intestines, prevents the development of rot processes in the colon, promotes muscle growth. Dried pears strengthen vessel walls, improving blood vessel and insight.
If you regularly eat this product, improved human performance, eliminate the symptoms of dizziness and mood rises.
These fruits are recommended for use with people with the following diseases and conditions:
- Heart problems and its system;
- Digestion trend;
- Obesity;
- Insomnia;
- Diabetes;
- Colds;
- Nervous system disorders;
- Depression;
- Rapid fatigue;
- Severe headaches.
100 g of this product contains 246 kcal. Therefore, the observation of the diet, should consider this figure, enjoy sun-dried pears. The calorie content is 12% of the daily norm.
Also, dried pears contain:
- 62 g of carbohydrates (23% is the norm for the day);
- 2 g of protein (that's 3% of daily requirement).
This product does not have in its composition of fats.
Pear Recipes |
Fruit must be washed thoroughly. Pear cut in half, remove the core and pour sugar in a ratio of 3: 1. They should insist on room temperature for a little over a day. then pour fruit into a colander, and their juice adds sugar (half of the first batch) and cook for a few minutes.
In this liquid add pears and cook for about 12 minutes. Then again put pears in a colander.
Then the fruit is needed to lay on a baking sheet so they do not touch each other. Jerk pears 3 times in an oven to 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
Pears |
Over-dried and soft fruits are not worth buying. Song dried quality pears are characterized by the following features:
- To a dry extent;
- Account;
- Opaque;
- Shriveled;
- Matt.
If you bought the fruit present its bitter taste - it is a sign of improper manufacturing techniques. Therefore, it is better to buy goods not in the form of unloading, and in the original packaging, which specified expiry date and corresponding rooms.
Dried fruits are stored at a maximum temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, they must be in a dark room and unsaturated. If assured normal conditions of storage dried pears, then the shelf life can last up to two years.
If the data is the fruit washed in the room at normal room temperature, then use them should be up to 12 months.
Dried pears - tasty and healthy treat. The drying process this fruit and uncomplicated under the power of any housewife.